Wednesday 12 October 2011

Finished presents!

After lots of work I finally managed to finish the cross stitch I was working on for my grandmother in the nick of time. Phew! Here is the finished piece:

My original plan was to make a picture with nine butterflies but I quickly realised that it was going to be impossible in the time I had given myself so I had to settle for six butterflies instead. I'm a bit disappointed that I didn't plan better so I had more time but other than that I am actually really pleased with how this picture turned out.

My grandmother seemed super pleased with the pressie and was obviously really touched that I had made the effort to make something so that is the most important thing!

It was also my aunt's birthday celebration but luckily I had been a bit more organised for her present and started working on it a few weeks ago in my fused glass class.

I decided to make a dish made up with squares of some of my favourite glass colours - mainly blues and pinks (as usual!!). This was slumped over a mould to give a slightly curved dish shape.

I really like making these dishes and I always make things using lots of squares and in these colours - it seems to be becoming my signature style!! I love the way the glass shines like boiled sweets!

I'm still finding it really hard to take decent pictures of my glass pieces - hopefully you can kind of see the shape of the dish in this one.

This dish is roughly 20cm square. I also decided to make a smaller one to match too which is about 10cm square. Here they both are together:

I think my aunt was pretty pleased with these too - but it was more difficult to tell from her reaction! I hope so!

I really like making homemade presents but I find it so much more stressful giving them than bought ones! Does anyone else find this? I think the reaction feels so much more important when you have put so much time and effort into making something.

I definitely need to start planning my Christmas presents now. Working on that cross stitch last week has made me realise that I will need to be a lot more organised if I am going to give homemade presents - I don't want to be frantically finishing all my Christmas presents with one week to spare!

Better get to work.....!



Milly and Me said...

Your cross stitch and glass bowls are beautiful :)
I agree it can be more stressful to give gifts that you have made yourself as it is far more personal and you can feel terribly let down if someone doesn’t do cartwheels ;)
I find other crafty folk appreciate them more as they know the time and effort that has gone into producing them.
Good for you planning for a handmade Christmas (and good luck!). I find it gets me in the mood much earlier – as a Christmas ‘maker’ you have to have such a head start on the Christmas ‘shoppers’, but it is much more fun planning and making handmade gifts than browsing catalogues or jostling with stressed out shoppers!
Jo x

Hippywitch said...

Love the butterflies and the glass is just beautiful! It does look like boiled sweets :-)

Totally agree, when you spend hours or even weeks making something the reaction is very important. I've stopped making things for certain people because I didn't think it was appreciated enough, they can have shop bought!

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